Friday, July 20, 2007

Hi Everyone!

Sorry about the lack of posts in the past couple of days... it has been quite crazy around here!

Kate Bright is going to be on holiday for my last week (I can't believe that this time has come) so a lot had to get done during these past few days. Oddie books have been sent out all over America to book reviewers. 36 press packages later and I was rather tired! I even thought to include a slip saying, "Also, please check out our blog at..." Hopefully, this blog will get lots of hits in the next week.

With Kate away, the office is going to be quiet. Luckily, we have our ever-reliable XFM online to keep the office "rockin". Don't worry Kate, things will stay under control! I will, personally, make sure that this office follows the standards of Good Oddie Island... we won't have any Bad Oddies around here.

Yesterday, I had quite the suprise. Kate took Barbara and I out for lunch to a delicious Italian restaurant on the main road. It was a real treat to lunch with my boss. I was full until dinnertime after a lunch consisting of an appetizer and 2 desserts for the 3 of us... I really am always talking about food on this blog (uh-oh)!

After a great day at work, I went to the theatre to see Billy Elliot. The show was phenomenal! I would reccomend it to all of my readers.

I can not believe that this is going to be my last weekend in London. Time, certainly, flies when you are having fun! It is, officially, now crunch time for shopping and dining. I feel as if I have lots to do and see in a little amount of time. Then again, I manage to always shop until I drop... London should be no different (Sorry Dad !).

Lets all cross our fingers that London sees more sun than rain this weekend.

I know, "Keep on Dreaming Arielle"...

Blog you later,


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