Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Pic: Super Hero Oddie.

Firstly - Sorry for the inexcusable lapse in posting - I hope that you don't feel too neglected!? But it's been very busy in Oddieworld recently....Wizzo managed to turn himself into a hedgehog and it took all our energy just to retrieve him from the undergrowth of Oddie Orchard - he's fine now though (apart from the fact that he keeps trying to hibernate).

Secondly - Meet Super Hero Oddie!!

I shouldn't really have favourites (the Oddies aren't very web savvy, so I doubt any of them will read this) but in truth this Super Sock is without doubt the coolest sock in Oddieworld! He's the strongest, fastest and most secretive sock on Good Oddie Island- and with powers of flight, X-Ray vision and a pretty snazzy suit (with obligatory matching cloak and mask) what's not to like?

He might look the part, but with Princess Oddie stuck in the snowy peaks of the Oddie Mountains and Robber and Witchy doing their best to make sure she stays up there, has this flying foot warmer got what it takes to escape the Bad Oddies and Princess Oddie's kisses?

Have a look at the book to find out -

Have Fun!!


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