Friday, October 27, 2006

New Books!! Check out these new additions to 'The Oddies' series!! They're both available now and can be ordered through the website!! - (What are you still doing here?!)

Wrestler Oddie - He might look mean but Wrestler Oddie is on a mission to help Wizzo survive the dastardly tag-team of Witchy and Robber Oddie! But is Wizzo strong enough for this rumble in the tumble(dryer) - a bit vague I know!! A must for all young wrestling fans - and anyone who's ever doubted that wrestling is anything but real!!

Rainbow Oddie - When all the color is stolen from Queen Oddies' castle Rainbow Oddie is on hand to work her Rainbow magic! But with Queen Oddie a hard customer to please and Wizzo sticking his wand in where it's not wanted this quickly starts to resemble a bad episode of Changing Rooms!! Can Rainbow rally the troops and get the royal residence looking fit for a Queen?! Take a look!!

Have Fun!


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