Thursday, October 19, 2006

Meet Fairy, Witchy and Wizzo - I'll leave you to figure out which one's which! This family of socks were the first inhabitants of the planet Oddieworld and quickly split it into two factions; Good and Bad Oddie island!!

Witchy - Naughty to the core. Witchy whips around Oddieworld on her broomstick causing mischief everywhere she goes!! Founder of Bunion Town, home to all the bad Oddies (with the exception of the Pirates who prefer to stay afloat) Witchy's delightful neighborhood includes Pus Pond and Callus Caves - Yum!!

Fairy - Witchy's sister, Fairy, is her opposite in every way! Fairy has made it her mission to keep the peace in Oddieworld and she regularly conjures up visitors to help her foil Witchy's cunning plans!

Wizzo - The Father of Fairy and Witchy doesn't share their natural magical ability! In fact his clumsy attempts at magic often make bad situations a lot worse! Full of good intentions Wizzo should retire from all this wand waving business - the problem is everyone else realises it except him!!

To read more about the three founding members of Oddieworld and their exciting journey to this far flung planet check out the first story in the series - 'The Story Of Oddieworld' available through the webpage at

Have Fun!

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