Monday, November 17, 2008

Santa and Angel Oddie - finally - arrive!

We’re just back from Oddieworld and what a time we’ve had! The weather’s a bit skew-whiff and it’s not Wizzo’s fault! They’ve also had a few technical difficulties with the fun fair.

But luckily two new Oddie characters are in town!

Welcome Santa Oddie and Angel Oddie!

Our old friends are still getting up to mischief (I’m pointing no fingers… Pirate and Robber Oddie!) but the two new arrivals have still managed to shake things up a little. Santa sorts out the weather as well as being a comedy genius - see the following post for our great new competition.

Angel Oddie arrived just in time to save both the day and Ballet Oddie from her fear of heights – en pointe is as high as she’s normally willing to go!

But we won’t say more and spoil the ending. You’ll just have to pull your socks up and get reading to find out what happens to Santa and Angel Oddie… whilst we’re still trying to guess what Santa Oddie will give us for Christmas.

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