Thursday, January 18, 2007

Meet Ballet Oddie - careful, don't get too close!! She doesn't appreciate sharing her air (or much else) with other people.

Ballet Oddie is a great ballerina and she knows it. This snooty Oddie likes to remind everyone around her how talented and beautiful she is and has a store of tears ready for anyone who denies it! Scratch the surface though and Ballet Oddie is good at heart – caring about the other Oddies almost as much as herself!

But with Princess Oddie sinking in Kizmee Quicksand and Ballet Oddie not wanting to get her toes dirty how will she manage to save the day and still look pretty?

Check out the book to find out -

Have Fun!!


Anonymous said...

Great blog, I must show my Oddie mad daughter, Oddies were the first books she read herself and she took her robber socks to bed with her every night for weeks. Good luck with the cartoon.

Gino said...

Thank you very much - I'm glad that you and your daughter are such fans!
Has she signed up to be an Oddie Friend on the website? As well as a free poster and birthday card she'll be the first to find out all the exciting news!

Thanks Again!