Friday, December 01, 2006

December!!! A big candy cane shaped, gingerbread scented Christmas greeting to everyone!! I know it's a little bit early - but the first door on your Advent calendar will be opening today and anyone who's been anywhere near a shop in the last week will know that the season of good will has well and truly arrived!!

Our office Christmas decorations went up today! - which is probably why this post has such a festive theme!! - the mere sniff of tinsel and I revert to my five year old state!! Unfortunately Christmas doesn't affect us all with such jolliness!! Kate, the helmswoman of Oddieworld (if Grant's the captain!!), is apparently allergic to Christmas trees!! It's a genuine problem - the whiff of a pine scented air freshener and she's bunged up till New Year! - maybe these Grinch like tendencies mean that I shouldn't reserve a space on the mantel for her Christmas Card!!....

For those of a less Scroogey disposition have a look at the website - for loads of Christmas pressie ideas as well as fun games and activities to keep yourself busy whilst Mums doling out the Christmas chores!! Better have a look quick or you'll be stuck peeling brussels!!

Have Fun!!

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